-= What is new in V1.01 from V1.00 =- þ EXE CHANGES þ * Added restart() script command * Added spawn() script command * Added support for non sprite connected looped sounds that auto shutoff when a new screen is loaded (instead of depending on a sprite to die) * Added a fclose() where it was missing... this will fix the 'stuck on the same screen' problem and any other file handle related problems.. * Fixed a serious bug dealing with type 1000 script threads and callbacks. * When you raise a level, any exp earned in the last kill carries over to the new level now. * Floating hit and exp #'s stay for twice as long now. * New timing code, monsters don't "speed up" when you punch. (was noticable on slower machines especially) * Added rotating arrows to the 'select' menu þ OTHER CHANGES þ * Added some new info to the hardmap (hard.dat) * Changed bpotion.c * Changed rpotion.c * Changed ppotion.c * Changed s1-hole.c * Changed en-slay.c (preload graphics correctly now) * Changed dinfo.c (to allow the restart option) * Changed escape.c (added restart and help option) * Added a sign near Wizard Martridge so he would be easier to find (s1-hsign) * Changed s1-cavem.c (Fixed it so you can't kill the monster repeatly..) * Made FIRE.WAV quieter. - Seth A. Robinson (sethable@rtsoft.com)